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Emerald Sponsors

Here at Personalized Club Marketing, we primarily focus on creating tools and developing personalized marketing materials to better assist your club in attaining, retaining and recognizing club members. According to a study performed by Experian Global Information Services Group, incorporating personalization into any type of campaign will return up to 6 times the response rates as opposed to a non-personalized campaign.

Empowering the results of their study, we utilize personalization in every possible way to help your club achieve maximum return on any marketing campaign it may create, be it a club event, a new member drive, recognition of a personal achievement or a Birthday, Anniversary or Holiday greeting.

We help optimize day to day communication with your membership through use of our fully interactive e-Newsletters and weekly e-Blasts. We provide a private member forum that we tailor to the specific needs of your club for the exclusive use of your membership. We've also developed various member recognition tools to help keep your membership engaged. So, engage with us, and see what we can do for your club!
